lunedì 19 novembre 2012

RASSEGNA 20 novembre 2012


In occasione della Giornata Mondiale per i diritti dell’Infanzia e dell’Adolescenza, in Sicilia una Mostra d’arte organizzata da Parent Project Onlus

Como - Ordine dei Medici in Viale Masia dal 13/11/12 al 23/10/12

Applicazioni e risultati dell’organizzazione snella (lean organization) nei servizi socio-sanitari

Benessere organizzativo e rischi psicosociali in ambito sanitario

Tutela della privacy in ambito sanitario e sanità digitale
Per informazioni:
Via del Carpino, 8 - 47822 Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN)
Tel. 0541 628840 - Fax 0541 622595   e-mail:

22 - 23 novembre: nuovo appuntamento formativo sulla responsabilità sociale d’impresa. Nell’ambito della collaborazione tra FONDACA ed Il Sole 24 ORE - Formazione ed Eventi, i prossimi 22 e 23 novembre Emma Amiconi terrà due giornate di docenza sulla responsabilità sociale d’impresa. L’intervento formativo è programmato nell’ambito del Master in Ambiente e Green management, promosso dalla sede di Roma de Il Sole 24 ORE.
Innovare i servizi in tempi di crisi
Milano, 20.11.2012 - (Sala Conferenze del Centro Servizi della Banca Popolare di Milano, Via Massaua, 6, ore 9-18).
Il programma completo è disponibile nel sito dellAIRIM (Associazione Italiana per il Ritardo Mentale). Per ulteriori informazioni:

 La Guida ai servizi per il paziente oncologico e la sua famiglia. La rete degli assistenti sociali.”
Fossano (piazza Castello, sala polivalente del Castello degli Acaja) venerdi 23 novembre dalle 8,30 alle 16,30.

La valutazione delle competenze
Promuovere l’importanza di un sistema condiviso ed efficace di valutazione delle competenze della persona disabile, con particolare riferimento alle problematiche della disabilità intellettiva: è l’obiettivo della sperimentazione triennale “Passporto delle competenze”, promossa e coordinata dall’Associazione La Nostra Famiglia, il cui convegno conclusivo si terrà il 23 novembre a Bosisio Parini (Lecco)
Per ulteriori informazioni:


·         Parere Presidenza Cons. Min. - Dip. funzione pubblica 5/11/2012 prot.44274
Riconoscimento dei benefici ex art. 33, comma 3, della l. n. 104 del 1992 a dipendente che assiste un congiunto lavoratore in situazione di handicap grave, il quale fruisce dei permessi per sè stesso
·         Circolare INPS 30/10/2012 n. 127
Istruzioni per lattivazione dei rapporti con il Patronato FAMIGLIA ITALIANA di nuova costituzione

Nuova disciplina sull'apprendistato
INPS - circolare 2 novembre 2012* (.pdf) - OGGETTO: Apprendistato. D.Lgs. 15 settembre 2011, n. 167. (T.U. dellapprendistato). Legge 12 novembre 2011 n. 183, art. 22.


United States Federal Circuit, 11/02/2012 
Hibbard v. Sec'y of Health & Human Services, No. 12-5007 
In plaintiff's suit for compensation under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (Act) for her neurological disorder allegedly caused by a flu vaccination, the judgment of the Court of Federal Claims in favor of the defendants is affirmed where: 1) the special master's finding is based on evidence in the record that is not wholly implausible, and the special master has articulated a rational basis for his decision; and 2) because a finding of autonomic neuropathy is critical to plaintiff's theory of causation, the special master's finding on this issue is fatal to her petition for compensation under the Act.

U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals
Holmes v. Merck & Co., Inc., No. 08-16557 
In a wrongful death action against a manufacturer and distributor of a vaccine, arising out of the death of plaintiffs' infant son, the district court's grant of defendant's motion for summary judgment is affirmed where: 1) there is no cause to disturb the district court's application of section 22 of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Compensation Act to plaintiffs' state law product liability claims of design defect and failure to warn; and 2) the district court did not err in granting summary judgment in favor of the defendant, as defendant produced evidence that it had complied with all regulatory requirements related to the vaccine.

California Appellate Districts
Lee v. Bd. of Registered Nursing, No. A132197 
The trial court's denial of a petition for a writ of administrative mandate seeking to overturn the revocation of petitioner's nursing license is affirmed where all that is relevant in this matter is that the petitioner did not comply with the order of the Board of Registered Nursing to submit to a mental fitness examination.

U.S. 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals
Brennan Ctr. for Justice at New York Univ. Sch. of Law v. U.S. Dept. of Justice, No. 11-4599 
In plaintiff's Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the Department of Justice (DOJ), the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), seeking release of memoranda prepared by the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC), pertaining to defendants' policy regarding the constitutionality of enforcing an anti-prostitution pledge requirement against U.S. NGOs receiving federal grants pursuant to the Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria Act (Leadership Act), the judgment of the district court is affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded where: 1) the district court properly ordered the disclosure of the February memoranda; 2) the district court erred in ordering disclosure of the July memoranda because there is sufficient evidence that removed deliberative-process protection; and 3) the references to the February memorandum that served to remove the deliberative-process privilege also constitute waiver of the attorney-client privilege.

United States First Circuit, 09/07/2012 
Gonzalez-Maldonado v. MMM Healthcare, Inc., No. 11-1880 
In a physicians' suit against HMOs, alleging constitutional and antitrust claims, arising from their cancellation of contracts for refusing to accept capitation payments rather than fee-for-service payments, district court's grant of defendants' motion to dismiss is affirmed where: 1) because the defendants are not governmental actors, plaintiffs' constitutional claims necessarily fail; and 2) because defendants are wholly owned subsidiaries of the same parent company, and not independent firms, defendants cannot violate Sherman Act section 1's conspiracy prohibition. 

United States Third Circuit, 09/13/2012 
Nichole Med. Equipment & Supply, Inc. v. Tricenturion, Inc., No. 11-2132 
In a medical equipment supplier's suit against a contractor auditor for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), arising from a dispute from an audit in which the auditor determined that plaintiff "might" be improperly billing Medicare for medical equipment, the judgment of the district court is affirmed where: 1) the district court properly determined that it was without subject matter jurisdiction to entertain plaintiff's state law claims, because without a final agency decision on plaintiff's claims the district court lacks jurisdiction to review this action; and 2) the defendants are immune from suit as officers or employees of the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services because plaintiff's claims arise under the Medicare Act. 

United States Fourth Circuit, 09/11/2012 
Morgan .v Sebelius, No. 10-2270 
In a physician's appeal of the decision of the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services excluding him for five years from participating in Medicare, Medicaid, and all other federally sponsored health care programs pursuant to the applicable terms of 42 U.S.C. section 1320a-7(a)(3), after pleading guilty for obtaining free hydrocodone samples from pharmaceutical representatives for his personal use by leading the representatives to believe that he would be giving the samples to his patients for medical purposes, district court's dismissal of the appeal is affirmed where: 1) section 1320a-7(a)(3) is not limited to offenses relating to financial misconduct; and 2) regardless of whether the district court correctly concluded that the statute unambiguously does not require that any fraud relate to financial misconduct ir order to warrant the mandatory five-year exclusion, the Secretary's construction was a permissible one to which the court must defer. 

United States Ninth Circuit, 09/11/2012 
McCormack v. Hiedeman, No. 11-36010 
In plaintiff's class action lawsuit against a prosecuting attorney for filing a felony criminal complaint against her with the public offense of Unlawful Abortion, Idaho Code section 18-606, which makes it a felony for any woman to undergo an abortion in a manner not authorized by statute, the district court's grant of a preliminary injunction restraining the prosecuting attorney from enforcing the Code is affirmed in part, reversed in part and remanded where: 1) the district court did not abuse its discretion in determining that plaintiff would likely succeed with her facial constitutional challenges to Idaho Code sections 18-606 and 18-608(1); 2) the district court abused its discretion in crafting an overbroad preliminary injunction, as it should be limited to enforcement of the applicable code sections against the plaintiff only; 3) the district court erred in not enjoining the enforcement of the section 18-606 in conjunction with both sections 18-608(1) and 18-608(2); and 4) plaintiff does not have standing to seek pre-enforcement prospective relief against the enforcement of the Pin-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act

United States Ninth Circuit, 09/11/2012 
Palomar Med. Ctr. Sebelius, No. 10-56529 

In a Medicare provider's appeal of a determination, through the operation of the congressionally mandated Recovery Audit Contractor (RAC) program, that it was liable to repay the government for services later determined not to be medically reasonable and necessary, the district court's grant of summary judgment for the Secretary, holding that the regulations bar appeals for reopenings, is affirmed, as Congress has set the stage by establishing the RAC program aimed at recouping excessive Medicare payments and stated expressly that reopenings were to be permitted under guidelines set by the Secretary in regulations. Here, the Secretary, by her regulations made explicit that there would be no appeal of a reopening decision, and that such a decision was "final."


Formazione certificata GRI sulla rendicontazione di sostenibilità: ultime novità. Lo scorso luglio, è stato siglato il rinnovo della convenzione tra FONDACA ed il Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sul programma di formazione certificato dall’organizzazione olandese. Pertanto, nel prossimo biennio, FONDACA continuerà a collaborare alla diffusione del framework GRI sulla rendicontazione di sostenibilità al livello nazionale, attraverso l’implementazione di moduli formativi destinati ad un pubblico multistakeholder (imprese pubbliche e private, organizzazioni della società civile, università ed enti di ricerca, istituzioni pubbliche ed amministrazioni locali). Inoltre, la Fondazione sta lavorando ad un arricchimento dell’offerta formativa attraverso l’inserimento a catalogo di nuovi corsi, oltre al modulo base incentrato sul processo di rendicontazione di sostenibilità come definito dal GRI. Sarà pubblicato a breve il calendario con la descrizione dei corsi e le prossime date utili. Per ulteriori informazioni contattare la dott.ssa Laura Lamberti all’indirizzo:

Thomas P. Miller | AEIdeas

Di Lorenzo Nannipieri

James C. Capretta and Yuval Levin | The Wall Street Journal

Nomina dell’amministratore di sostegno e istituzione del registro comunale
Disponibile in duplice versione:
- pratica elettronica + kit modulistica (cod. B1401INF)
- pratica on line in abbonamento su (cod. B1401WEB)
Maggioli Editore

Disponibile in duplice versione:
- regolamento con Cd-Rom (cod. B5000/99FD)
- regolamento on line in abbonamento su (cod. B5000/99WEB)
Maggioli Editore

"Vademecum per gli operatori della giustizia minorile"
Gli Autori sono l'Ordine degli Avvocati di Lecce, l'Ordine degli Assistenti Sociali di Puglia e l'Ordine degli Psicologi di Puglia

L’Italian Journal on Addiction, rivista ufficiale della Italian Scientific Community on Addiction, ha pubblicato un numero monografico interamente dedicato al  gioco d’azzardo patologico.
La pubblicazione presenta una panoramica dell’organizzazione dei servizi e delle buone pratiche ad oggi acquisite in Italia per contrastare il fenomeno del gioco d’azzardo e rappresenta una raccolta di contributi provenienti da diversi esperti del settore.
Il volume è scaricabile dal sito:

Socialita’ e patologia nelle sale scommesse
S. Castorina, G. Mandorla
Bonanno 2011

Dal coinvolgimento alla psicopatologia
G. Lavenia
Franco Angeli 2012

Antropologia di una presunta malattia
M. Pini
Franco Angeli 2012

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